Develop Solution Options

The farmer and veterinarian should work together to develop solution options.



It is important to consider:

  • Goals of the farm
  • PRRS status of the herd
  • Constraints of the operation



Solutions options may include:

  • Pig flow management
  • Vaccination
  • Biosecurity measures
  • Area Regional Control (ARC)


The BI Whole Herd Vaccination Programme

BI vaccines deliver sustainable, whole herd PRRS control – from sows to nursery and market.


Control Strategy for PRRS Control


PIGLETS: One dose around weaning

GILTS: Vaccionation before being integrated into the sow herd, 2-5 weeks prior to breeding

SOWS: Mass vaccination, including all pregnant and non-pregnant sows, every 3-4 months


Reference: Angulo JR (2013). Systematic PRRS Problem Solving, a 5-Step Process. Presentation given at BISA Gold 2013, Ames, Iowa, USA.