Implement And Monitor Preferred Solutions



Implementation of a PRRS control programme should be an active communication process involving all individuals who will be affected by the plan or potential change.

The key to successful implementation is a communication plan that incorporates:

  • Clearly-articulated direction for administration of the programme
  • Specific timelines for each task
  • Well-defined expectations


Programme monitoring has two components:

  • Checking that the programme is being implemented as expected. This will involve process checks as well as monitoring of vaccine storage conditions, timing of administration, injection techniques, etc.
  • Monitoring the success of the programme. This relies on monitoring of production parameters, clinical signs, and diagnostic information (see an example of a sampling-testing protocol below).

Figure 1 Image


Table 1 Image

Adapted from Cano (2013).



Angulo JR (2013). Systematic PRRS Problem Solving, a 5-Step Process. Presentation given at BISA Gold 2013, Ames, Iowa, USA. Angulo JR (2012). Monitoring tools in virus del PRRS sow herd stabilization programmes. Presentation given at EuroPRRS2012 Symposium, Budapest, Hungary.

Cano JP (2013). PRRS surveillance programmes for farms, companies and regions.

Johnson E and Diaz E (2010). Monitoring to assure FLEX vaccination programme success. BIVI FLEX Symposium, St Paul, Minnesota, USA.

Polson D (2008). Alternative Approaches for Monitoring PRRS Virus Behavior in PRRS-positive Production Systems: Sampling, Testing and Sequence Interpretation. Carlos Pijoan international symposium: new solutions to old problems. Allen D Leman Conference 2008.