- Expertise article
- Roof et al., 1999
PRRS control strategies continue to be a major issue for swine producers. L'se of autogenous PRRS vaccines have heen reported to provide protection under field conditions. Evaluation of an autogenous killed PRRS product in the reproductive model under controlled situations suggests little to no benefit (Osorio). The purpose of this study \vas to evaluate the potential benefits of an autogenous killed PRRS product \\hen used in combination with a modified live virus PRRS vaccine to protect growing pigs from pneumoniae.
An atypical PRRS strain (PRRS strain SDSU 73) was obtained from a herd with severe reproductive problems and sow mortality. The isolate was grown. inactivated. and mixed with an adjuvant previously shown to provide optimal antibody titers to PRRS via the PRRS IDEXX ELISA.
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