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- Expertise article
- Nathaya Young, Linda Buabol, Pongpiboon Hattham, Carlo Maala
Nathaya Young1, Linda Buabol1, Pongpiboon Hattham2, Carlo Maala3
1Boehringer Ingelheim Animal Health (Thailand) Ltd 2Good health innofusion Co., Ltd 3Strategic Business Unit Swine, Boehringer Ingelheim Animal Health
PRRSv remains a very costly desease in pig industry especially in grower finisher pigs1.Vaccination has been demonstrated the cost effective due to reduce of clinical sign and mortality of PRRS infection2. In spite of Type 1-PRRS MLV vaccination have been applied, there’s some introduction of new type 2-PRRSv field infection in grower-finisher farm. Consider of minimize production loss, Ingelvac PRRS MLV has demonstrated efficacy against heterologous PRRSv challenge when pigs already exposed by PRRSv type2 from the field3. The objective of this observation was to evaluate the effect of vaccination by Ingelvac PRRS MLV on the previous exposed in grower-finisher pigs.
Materials and Methods
10,000 heads grower-finisher farm, received 9-10 weeks old pigs from 2 sources sow farms. All pigs already vaccinated by Type1 MLV vaccine since 14 days old at the sow farms. After moved to grower-finisher farm, pigs started show the respiratory sign resulted high medication cost, high mortality and wasting. Diagnosis has been done by PCR testing for PRRSv infection throughout age group from suckling to grower pigs (n=10 in each group of age)(table 1). Vaccination by Ingelvac PRRS MLV (6 houses with 4,338 pigs) has implemented in age from 15-9 weeks old in order to reduce clinical sign and losses during kept in the grower-finisher farms. Pigs age from 16 - market (6 house with 4,256 pigs) considered to not vaccination but remain strict biosecurity and people flow. To evaluate the effect of vaccination, a mortality weeks were compared between the groups (vaccinated vs non vaccinated) by Chi square test, OpenEpi Version3.
Results and Discussion
Vaccinated pigs had significantly reduce mortality compared to the non-vaccinated pigs. The feed in take trend during first 6 weeks shows as the figure1. The infected- vaccinate pigs had an advantage in feed intake compared to the non-vaccinated.
Table1: PCR results from PRRS testing
Table 2: Mortality and feed intake between vaccinate VS non-vaccinate group
Figure1: The comparative Feed Intake during first 6 weeks after entering
In this case, infected from field virus in grower-finisher pigs is common in high density pig area. To minimize the losses, the agile diagnostic and put intervention actions are the key to reduce losses. The combining of immunization according to farm’s epidemiology and pig-people flow management can help reduce PRRS impact on the performance as well as the circulation in a production system.
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