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Asian PRRSpective | Co-Infections | Expertise video

Thomas Gillespie - Vaccination benefits beyond clinical protection in a US finishing unitt

In this presentations Dr. Tom Gillespie (Performance Health PC) shares with us his knowledge of vaccination benefits beyond clinical protection.

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Asian PRRSpective | Co-Infections | Expertise video

Poul H. Rathkjen - What to do if I have 2 types of PRRS circulation in the farm?

Dr Rathkjen defines the best control approach for farms with type 1 and type 2 PRRS circulation.

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American PRRSpective | Co-Infections | Expertise video

Phillip Gauger - How do PRRSV and Influenza coinfections affect resilience in the field

Dr. Phillip Gauger explains how IAV-S, PRRS and coinfections affect resilience and productivity in the pig production.