Impact of PRRS whole herd vaccination on weaning weight and growth performance in nursery piglets under field conditions

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Country: Austria
Source: 2017 The 9th European Symposium of Porcine Health Management

Background and objective

Due to the nature of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV) the control and elimination of PRRS is still problematic. Long-term successful control strategies involve whole herd vaccination programs together with strict biosecurity and management measures. This study investigated the impact of whole herd vaccination with a PRRSV-1 modified live virus vaccine on weight at weaning and weight gain in nursery piglets under field conditions.

Material and Methods

The study was conducted in Austria on a farrow-to-finish farm with 230 sows producing in a three week batch farrowing system. The PRRS status of the farm was PRRS positive, field virus circulation was repeatedly detected in the nursery and in the fattering unit. Before the start of the study no PRRS vaccination was implemented on the trial farm. The study was initiated with a double mass vaccination of the breeding as well as the growing pig herd with ReproCyc® PRRS EU and Ingelvac PRRSFLEX® EU, respectively. Subsequently, the breeding herd was vaccinated every 4 months and piglets were vaccinated around weaning concurrently with vaccinations against PCV2 and Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae. Body weight at 4 weeks (weaning age), 13 and 22 weeks of age of 3 consecutive batches before and 6 consecutive batches after implementation vaccination was recorded. Recording of data after PRRSV vaccination was started 12 weeks after the second mass vaccination. Mean weaning weight and mean average daily weight gain in nursery piglets before and after PRRSV whole herd vaccination were compared.


Mean weaning weight could be significantly increased in piglets of vaccinated sows. Additionally, a significant increase in the average daily gain of nursery piglets could be achieved after implementation of PRRS vaccination.

Discussion and conclusion

The results indicated positive effects of PRRSV whole herd vaccination on the weaning weight as well as the growth performance in nursery piglets.
