Vaccination - PRRS control

Boehringer Ingelheim vaccines deliver sustainable, whole-herd PRRS control through all phases of production.


Boehringer Ingelheim has multiple modified-live vaccines for PRRS, which have demonstrated cross-protection for both the reproductive and respiratory forms of the disease. When determining a vaccine protocol, it is important to use the right vaccine at the right place and time.

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Multiple controlled and field-based studies have demonstrated that Ingelvac PRRS® vaccines provide two benefits to producers:

  1. Direct benefit – The effects of infection are reduced and there is a subsequent improvement in health and performance.
  2. Indirect benefit – Studies show that Ingelvac PRRS® vaccines can reduce shedding/transmission of wild-type PRRS virus.

Pigs challenged with the PRRS virus experience lower average daily gain and higher mortality rates, with an estimated profit loss of $4.32 per pig. However, extensive controlled and field-based studies have demonstrated that Ingelvac PRRS® vaccines provide a direct benefit to pigs and producers, including:

  • Cross-protection against a variety of field strains
  • Reduced mortalities
  • Improved average daily gain

To help ensure ongoing benefits, Boehringer Ingelheim continues to evaluate the effectiveness of Ingelvac PRRS® MLV against the most current strains of PRRS virus to provide you with up-to-date information.


​Load, close and homogenize with Ingelvac PRRS® vaccine to minimize production losses due to PRRS

When a breeding herd breaks with porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome (PRRS), one of the first questions asked is “What interventions can I implement to minimize production losses?” Forty-five percent of the total costs of PRRS are now being incurred in the breeding herd. This makes returning to pre-break production levels and achieving a PRRS-stable status as quickly as possible vitally important. Implementing the “load, close and homogenize” protocol to achieve breeding-herd stability has been promoted by Boehringer Ingelheim for decades.

Research conducted by Dr. Daniel Linhares at the University of Minnesota has evaluated the production impacts of two exposure/homogenization protocols. Herds utilizing a PRRS modified-live virus (MLV) vaccine following PRRS infection returned to pre-break production levels 8 weeks sooner, and had half the total weaned-pig losses, compared to herds utilizing live-virus inoculation.

Minimizing production losses and moving forward with a PRRS-stable herd following a PRRS infection are important. Ingelvac PRRS® vaccine can be an important tool to help get your herd back on track and return to target production levels following a PRRSv outbreak.


Controlling PRRS virus in the grow-finish period makes “cents”

Economic losses of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome (PRRS) have been estimated at $664 million in the United States. Losses occurring in the grow-finishing period alone total $361.85 million, representing a profit loss of $4.32/pig. (Cost includes performance losses and cost of medication)

Pigs infected with PRRS have significantly worse average daily gain (ADG) and higher mortalities compared to pigs remaining PRRS-negative through market (see below). The majority of the economic losses are due to decreased revenue from marketing fewer pounds of pork.

Vaccinating pigs 3 weeks of age or older with Ingelvac PRRS® MLV vaccine aids in the prevention of respiratory disease associated with PRRS. Talk to your Boehringer Ingelheim representative about how Ingelvac PRRS® vaccines can help your herd.

In addition to reducing clinical disease, studies demonstrate that Ingelvac PRRS® MLV can provide an indirect benefit by reducing shedding/transmission of wildtype PRRS virus.
In a study comparing pigs vaccinated with Ingelvac PRRS® MLV to non-vaccinated controls, vaccinated pigs had a significant reduction in the frequency of wildtype virus shedding (measured by virus detected in the air) and a 30-day shorter duration of shedding compared to the non-vaccinated pigs. Dr. Scott Dee (Pipestone Veterinary Services) discussed the impact of PRRS transmission and the benefits of reduced shedding.

Reducing aerosol shedding of PRRS virus with MLV vaccine
Pigs raised in swine-dense areas are potentially at a greater risk of being infected with porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome (PRRS) due to aerosol shedding of PRRS virus. Implementing strategies to reduce aerosol transmission of PRRS virus is important to reduce the shedding of PRRS virus within and between herds to minimize the risks of breaks or re-breaks of herds.

Research has been conducted to evaluate shedding of wild type (wt) virus in pigs vaccinated with Ingelvac PRRS® as compared to non-vaccinates. A recent study evaluated both the duration and frequency of aerosol shedding in pigs infected with PRRSv 29 days following vaccination with Ingelvac PRRS® compared to non-vaccinated pigs.
The period between the first and last positive aerosol samples was 36 days for the non-vaccinated barn, and only 6 days for the vaccinated barn. Additionally, the total number of positive sampling days during the 118-day trial was 21 for the non-vaccinated barn and only 4 days for the vaccinated barn (see below). The barn with pigs vaccinated with Ingelvac PRRS® had 17 fewer positive aerosol days and 30 days’ shorter total shedding period compared to the non-vaccinated barn.

Reducing both the duration and frequency at which infected pigs shed wt PRRS virus can help minimize the chances of aerosol spread of the virus within a region. Talk to your Boehringer Ingelheim Vetmedica, Inc. representative to discuss how Ingelvac PRRS® vaccines can help your herd. ​

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*PRRS PCR assessment of pigs at weaning.
​**Studies demonstrate the benefit of vaccinating growing pigs when PRRS virus prevalence is low (<20% positive PCR pools).

​This decision should be made under the direct consultation of a veterinarian. Gilts should be vaccinated twice — 30 days apart — with the last dose occurring four weeks prior to entry into the breeding herd. Always work with your herd veterinarian when developing vaccination protocols. Read and follow label directions.


  • Holtkcamp, D, Kliebenstein JB, Neumann EJ, et al. 2013. Assessment of the economic impact of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus on United States pork producers. J Swine Health Prod 2013:21(2): 72–84.
  • Roof M, et al. Efficacy of modified-live virus porcine reproductive and respiratory virus vaccines against heterologous respiratory challenge. 2003, IPVS, p. 117.
  • Jordan D, Layton S, Philips R, Genzow M. Modified-live PRRS vaccination provides heterologous protection against virulent 1-18-2 challenge. 2009. Leman Conference.
  • Roof MB, Vaughn E, Rurkhart K, Johnson W. Meta-analysis of 16 modified-live PRRS vaccination challenge studies. International Symposium of Emerging and Reemerging Swine Diseases, 2007.
  • Patterson A, Victoria J, Jordan D, et al. Modified-live PRRSv vaccination is efficacious following challenge with eight genetically diverse PRRSv isolates. Leman Conference, 2013.
  • Oropeza A, Kolb J, Philips R, and White M. A summary of three large-scale systems-based PRRS control projects.
  • Wetzell T, Cano J, Rustvold J. Reduction of Wild-Type PRRS Virus Shedding in Aerosol of Growing Pigs by Modified-Live Virus Vaccination at Weaning. 2013 Pipestone Research Committee, Leman Conference, p. 196.
  • Mortensen S, Stryhn H, Søgaard R, et al. Risk factors for infection of sow herds with porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome (PRRS) virus. Prev Vet Med 2002;53(1–2):83–101.
  • Cano JP, Dee SA, Murtaugh MP, Pijoan C. Impact of a modified-live porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus vaccine intervention on a population of pigs infected with a heterologous isolate. Vaccine 2007;25(22):4382–4391.
  • Linhares DC, Cano JP, Wetzell T, et al. Effect of modified-live porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSv) vaccine on the shedding of wild-type virus from an infected population of growing pigs. Vaccine 2012;30(2):407–413.
  • Waddell J. et al. Modified-live PRRS virus vaccination of nursery pigs as an essential component of a comprehensive PRRS control program. IPVS, 2008.
  • A. Young Swine Health and Management Conference. 2012;5–15.
  • Boehringer Ingelheim Vetmedica Inc., internal data. Unpublished at this time.