EU 2023

European PRRS Research Awards | EU 2023

The 10th European PRRS Research Awards

Boehringer Ingelheim, a global leader in animal health, honours three research proposals with a total funding of 75,000 Euro (25,000 Euro each) to encourage further development of practical methods for controlling PRRS (Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome), and to recognize scientific accomplishments in this field.

European PRRS Research Awards | EU 2023

How to submit your work for the European PRRS Research Awards 2023

Provide the following information for each project proposal. The proposal must be typed in no less than 12 point type, double spaced, and a maximum of eight pages including cover page, not including the budget, budget justification, or optional letters of recommendation (only the first eight pages will be read). The curriculum vitae is not part of the project proposal. Restrict the use of scientific acronyms in your proposal.