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European PRRSpective | Diagnostics | Expertise video

Hans Nauwynck - Understanding how different pathogens affect reproduction

What causes reproductive failure and should I approach it? This questions and many more are answered by Virologist Prof. Hans Nauwynck.

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European PRRSpective | Diagnostics | Expertise video

Greg Stevenson - Why does a pig cough, and why should we care about it?

Why does a pig cough and why this can be a first indication of the pathogens involved? This and many other questions on the most 3 important respiratory pathogens are answered by Pathologist Prof. Gregory Stevenson.

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Asian PRRSpective | Diagnostics | Expertise video

Hanchun Yang - Current situation and control strategy of PRRS in China

Prof Hanchun Yang gives an update of PRRS Epidemiology in China, including emerging strains and defines his prefered PRRS control program.

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Asian PRRSpective | Diagnostics | Expertise video

Hanchun Yang - PRRSv & PEDv in China, diagnostic and control

Hanchun Yang will explain why controlling of PRRS and PED can be challenging and how to overcome these challenges.

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European PRRSpective | Diagnostics | Expertise video

Erin Lowe - State of the art PRRS diagnostics

Erin Lowe shares with us her experiences of how to apply PRRS diagnostics under practical circumstances.

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Asian PRRSpective | Diagnostics | Expertise video

Enrique Mondaca - The future is here: Arc and bioportal

Dr Mondaca explains how PRRS sequencing combined with using different software allows us to understand PRRS epidemiology and transmission between farms.