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Top publications | July 2023 | Expertise article

Risk factors associated with Streptococcus suis cases on pig farms in Spain

Streptococcus suis can cause meningitis, polyarthritis and acute death in piglets. However, the risk factors associated with S. suis infection remain incompletely understood.

Top publications | July 2023 | Expertise article

Comparative analysis of newly identified rodent arteriviruses and porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus to characterize their evolutionary relationships

Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV) has caused huge economic losses for the global pig industry, but its origins and evolution remain a mystery.

Top publications | July 2023 | Expertise article

In-silico characterization of the relationship between the Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus prevalence at the piglet and litter levels in a farrowing room

Family oral fluids (FOF) sampling has been described as a sampling technique where a rope is exposed to sows and respective suckling litters and thereafter wrung to obtain fluids.

Top publications | April 2023 | Expertise article

The Role of Pathology in the Diagnosis of Swine Respiratory Disease

The definition “porcine respiratory disease complex” (PRDC) is used to indicate the current approach for presenting respiratory pathology in modern pig farming.

Top publications | October

Investigating the relationship of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus RNA detection between adult/sow farm and wean-to-market age categories

Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome (PRRS) is a disease caused by the PRRS virus (PRRSV) that has spread globally in the last 30 years and causes huge economic losses every year. This research aims to 1) investigate the relationship between the PRRSV detection in two age categories (wean-to-market and adult/sow farm), and 2) examine the extent to which the wean-to-market PRRSV positive rate forecasts the adult/sow farm PRRSV positive rate. The data we used are the PRRSV RNA detection results between 2007 and 2019 integrated by the US Swine Disease Reporting System project that represent 95% of all porcine submissions tested in the US National Animal Health Network. We first use statistical tools to investigate to what extent the increase in PRRSV positive submissions in the wean-to-market is related to the PRRSV increase in adult/sow farms. The statistical analysis confirms that an increase in the PRRSV positive rate of wean-to-market precedes the increase in the adult/sow farms to a large extent. Then we create the dynamic exponentially weighted moving average control charts to identify out-of-control points (i.e., signals) in the PRRSV rates for both wean-to-market and adult/sow farms. This control-chart-based analysis finds that 78% of PRRSV signals in the wean-to-market are followed by a PRRSV rate signal in the adult/sow farms within eight weeks. We expect that our findings will help the producers and veterinarians to justify and reinforce the implementation of bio-security and bio-contaminant practices to curb disease spread across farms.

Top publications | October

Probability of PRRS virus detection in pooled processing fluid samples

There has been a tremendous increase in recent years of population-based diagnostic monitoring and surveillance strategies in swine populations. One example is the use of processing fluids (PF) to screen breeding herds for porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV) activity. An important question from practitioners using such methods is on how intensively can the sample be pooled. More specifically, processing fluids of how many litters can be pooled into a single sample for diagnostic testing to preserve a high probability of PRRSV RNA detection at low prevalence situations? The objective of this study was to model the effect of pooling PF samples on the probability of PRRSV RNA detection. For this study, a PRRSV-positive PF field sample with a RT-rtPCR quantification cycle (Cq) value of 28 was selected to represent a litter of 11 pigs with a single viremic piglet. PF samples from a PRRSV-naïve herd were used to perform 6 replications of 8 two-fold serial dilutions of the PRRSV-positive sample, thus modeling the pooling effect (dilution). Each two-fold dilution represented an increase in the number of PRRS-negative pigs in the sample by a factor of 2. Samples were tested for PRRSV RNA by RT-rtPCR and the data was analyzed using linear and probit regression models. There was an average increment of 1.37 points in Ct for each two-fold dilution. The estimated probability of testing positive on RT-rtPCR was 43 %, 80 %, and 95 % when there was a single PRRSv-positive piglet among 784, 492, and 323 PRRSv-negative piglets contributing to the sample respectively. Results from this study support the practice of collecting and aggregating PF samples from multiple litters for PRRSV RNA testing.

Top publications | September

Modelling porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus dynamics to quantify the contribution of multiple modes of transmission: between-farm animal and vehicle movements, farm-to-farm proximity, feed ingredients, and re-break

Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV) continues to cause substantial economic losses for the North American pork industry. Here we developed and parameterized a mathematical model for transmission of PRRSV amongst the swine farms of one U.S. state. The model is tailored by eight modes of between-farm transmission pathways including: farm-to-farm proximity (local transmission), networks comprised of different layers contacts here considered the number of batches of pigs transferred between-farm (pig movements), transportation vehicles used for feed delivery, transferring live pigs to farms and to markets, and personnel (crew), in addition to the quantity of feed with animal by-products within feed ingredients, and finally we also accounted for re-break probabilities for farms with previous PRRSV outbreaks. The model was calibrated on weekly PRRSV outbreaks data. We assessed the role of each transmission pathway considering the dynamics of specific types of production. Our results estimated that the networks formed by transportation vehicles were more densely connected than the actual network of pigs moved between-farms. The model estimated that pig movements and farm proximity were the main route of transmission in the spread of PRRSV regardless of production types, but vehicles transporting pigs to farms explained a large proportion of infections (sow = 17.2%; nursery = 11.7%; and finisher = 29.5%). Animal by-products delivered via feed contributed principally to finisher farms, with a significant impact on PRRSV outbreaks on sow farms. Thus, our results support the consideration of transport vehicles and feed meals in order better to understand the transmission dynamic of PRRSV and establish more robust control strategies.

Top publications | September

Detection of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRS) genome fragments and anti-bodies in chewing ropes allow – monitoring of PRRS in pig farms

Saliva samples from chewing ropes are a reliable diagnostic of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV) infections. The aim of this study was to test whether saliva samples taken with saliva swabs (cotton swabs and GenoTube Livestock) or with chewing ropes are suitable for monitoring PRRSV in unsuspicious farms, this means to detect a prevalence of 20% infected animals with a 95% probability. Saliva samples were collected from 12-16 pens in five pig farms by using a chewing rope for collective samples and by individual saliva swaps from five randomly selected animals per pen. A total of 291 animals from 58 pens in four study farms and 60 animals from 12 pens in one control farm were collected. The samples were taken from all age categories. According to the current monitoring system the analysis of five individual serum samples from the same pens served as the reference method for the relative sensitivity of the saliva samples. Serum and chewing rope samples were tested by ELISA for antibodies. Two different systems were used for the serum samples. Chewing ropes, saliva swabs (GenoTube Livestock) and serum samples were examined for virus genomes using a nested reverse-transcriptase PCR and a commercial real-time reverse-transcriptase PCR kit. Cohen's Kappa was used as a measure of agreement. PRRSV antibodies were detected in the chewing ropes of 44 pens and in the serum samples of only 34 pens. Viral RNA was found in 13 (chewing ropes), respectively 16 pens (serum samples). Saliva swabs (GenoTube Livestock) showed a lower relative sensitivity of 20.00% compared to serum samples. The agreement of the two serum analysis was very good for the ELISAs (κ = 0,911), and moderate for the PCR (κ = 0,706). The comparison of the chewing rope method with the analysis of the serum samples advocates this method as a suitable supplementary monitoring tool in PRRSV unsuspicious pig farms. Easy handling and lower examination costs of the chewing rope method allow higher testing frequency and would therefore improve the monitoring system. However, they are not an alternative to serum samples. Sampling with saliva swabs is unsuitable.