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Meet the Expert Podcast - Season 1 Compilation

Discover the Season 1 Compilation from Meet the Expert Podcast

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Episode 21 - The Out-Takes Podcast: Signing off the first season

“What is the effect on antibiotics…no, no, I mean antibodies”

Episode 20 - Porcine parvovirus: Next steps in vaccination

Episode 20 - Porcine parvovirus: Next steps in vaccination

“The antibodies generated by some old vaccine strains have their neutralising capability reduced by the new PPV”

Episode 19 Porcine parvovirus: 20 years of change

Episode 19 - Porcine parvovirus: 20 years of change

“We have an evolutionary process with this virus… evolutionary hot-spots on the surface of the virus, located at points in contact with the host’s immune system”

Episode 2 - M.hyo and SIV: Contrasts for speed of spreading

Episode 2 - M.hyo and SIV: Contrasts for speed of spreading

“Compared to PRRS, Mycoplasma is very slowly transmitted while influenza is a highly transmissible agent”

Episode 1 - PRRS: The sound of the cough

Episode 1 - PRRS: The sound of the cough

“Coughs sound different because of subtle differences in the ways that organisms cause damage to the respiratory tract”