Bite size

Bite size

Differences between PCV3 and PCV2

Meet the Expert Bite Sizes with Quim Segalés.

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Immune Evasion

Meet the Expert Bite Sizes with Quim Segalés.

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Reproductive Failure and early infection with PCV2

Meet the Expert Bite Sizes with Quim Segalés.

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Relevance of qPCR in the diagnosis of PCV systemic disease

Meet the Expert Bite Sizes with Quim Segalés.

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How can I evaluate the Biosecurity and Management practice on the farm?

Meet the Expert Bite Sizes with Kristian Havn.

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How could you keep the farmers engaged during the PRRS eradication program?

Meet the Expert Bite Sizes with Kristian Havn.

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How do you see the future of these 40 farms that successfully eradicated PRRS?

Meet the Expert Bite Sizes with Kristian Havn.

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What is the key procedures to eliminate PRRS in an area with 40 different farms?

Meet the Expert Bite Sizes with Kristian Havn.