Investigation and evaluation of alternate PRRS vaccine options to enhance immunostimulation and increased protection

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Investigators – Zuckerman; Roof; Vaughn; Wes Johnson (BIVI – U. Illinois Collaboration)

The objective of this study was to evaluate several adjuvants and/or immunomodulators in combination with Ingelvac® PRRS MLV and investigate potential clinical or immunological improvements in vivo. The study evaluated Ingelvac® PRRS MLV vaccine (USDA licensed) alone and in combination with various potential immunostimulators including:

  • HS – adjuvant

  • ORF 5 Pool – A pool of peptides representing the ORF 5 ectodomain region of five different PRRS virus isolates.

  • INF alpha DNA vaccine provided by Dr. Zuckerman along with concurrent injections of purified and recombinant INF alpha from PBL Biomedical laboratories (100,000 units/dose).

• Poly ICLC (50 ug/kg) from Ribopharm, Inc. which has been reported to act as an interferon inducer and activates anti-viral immunity.

• IL-12 recombinant protein (2 ug/dose, 2 hours pre and post-vacc with MLV) from R&D Systems Inc. which has been shown to enhance T cell and NK cell activity.

Read the full publication here.