Episode 13 - SARS CoV2: Keeping farm workers safe from the coronavirus

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Biosecurity measures for farm workers against Pandemic SARS-CoV-2

“Even people not feeling sick may be spreading the virus, so measures such as dividing teams of workers both physically and temporally are important to prevent transmission on the farm” - Dr. Carmen Alonso, Independent data analyst and swine consultant, Barcelona, Spain

Food animal veterinarians can consider themselves as population medicine experts and therefore well qualified to advise swine farms on the extra precautions necessary both outside and inside the farm gate to prevent the entry of novel coronavirus SARS CoV2 and its spread among workers, we are told by independent swine veterinary consultant Dr. Carmen Alonso in Spain. She recommends using visual aids to pass the message to producers and their employees. A video showing an example can be found online here, or using a browser search with the key words: biosecurity pig333.

Running time: 33 minutes

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