Bite size

Bite size

Differences between PCV3 and PCV2

Meet the Expert Bite Sizes with Quim Segalés.

Bite size

Immune Evasion

Meet the Expert Bite Sizes with Quim Segalés.

Bite size

Reproductive Failure and early infection with PCV2

Meet the Expert Bite Sizes with Quim Segalés.

Bite size

Relevance of qPCR in the diagnosis of PCV systemic disease

Meet the Expert Bite Sizes with Quim Segalés.

Bite size

Is there a way to improve the colostrum intake of the piglets?

Meet the Expert Bite Sizes with Rutger Jansen.

Bite size

Is there a change to eliminate the disease in Germany?

Meet the Expert Bite Sizes with Klaus Depner.

Bite size

What is a core area and what are white zones?

Meet the Expert Bite Sizes with Klaus Depner.

Bite size

Where do we start controlling ASF. Is it with the pigs or the people?

Meet the Expert Bite Sizes with Klaus Depner.