Vaccination with ingelvac PRRS MLV for horizontal transmission control in Korean swine farm

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PRRS is one of the diseases with the greatest economic impact on the swine industry as a single disease. Various control strategies have been developed to prevent the damage of PRRS, and various methods have been implemented. Numerous methods have been tried and based on various failures and successes, management methods have been established for stabilization or elimination of PRRS virus at the pig farming site.

At present, stabilization of the breeding herd is the first priority of PRRS management, and has always been defined as a concept to be considered for PRRS management. In order to stabilize PRRS in the breeding pig population, the method of mass vaccination with the herd closure of the pig population was implemented.

In fact, when the infected PRRS is stabilized in the breeding population, there are no further problems related to breeding such as abortion, stillbirth and premature birth. In addition, as the vertical trans- mission does not occur, the naturally infected piglets that have not been infected with PRRS virus. Through breeding herd stabilization, vertical transmission from sows was blocked, but the PRRS virus negative piglets produced were exposed to another PRRS infection. This is because the horizontal transmission of PRRS virus occurs from existed pigs to PRRS virus negative piglets. Especially, there were most of farms which had farrow to finish farm system in Korea swine industry. This is the reason about nursery PRRS virus infection of almost farms in Korea.

The main purpose of this study was to manage effectively the dam- age caused by PRRS virus infection in early piglets through inoculation of Ingelvac® PRRS MLV.

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