Episode 19 - Porcine parvovirus: 20 years of change

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Phylogenetic tree of PPV for the viral protein gene (partial sequences)
Phylogenetic tree of PPV for the viral protein gene (partial sequences).

The scale axis indicates the distance in years. Posterior probabilities (confidence) are indicated according to the color of the branches (blue indicates lower confidence; red higher confidence).


“We have an evolutionary process with this virus… evolutionary hot-spots on the surface of the virus, located at points in contact with the host’s immune system” - Professor André Felipe Streck, Adjunct Professor for Veterinary Medizin with a focus on Virology, University of Caxias do Sul, Brazil

In southern Brazil, Professor André Felipe Streck of the Institute of Biotechnology at the University of Caxias do Sul leads us through the changing story of the porcine parvovirus PPV. Long considered a stable virus that could be controlled by vaccines developed four decades ago, its evolution into diverse forms has become evident since the year 2000. Newer strains display amino acid substitutions in the capsid or external protein layer of the virus which influence antigenicity.

Running time: 33 minutes

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